Welcome To the on line home of Kenacy Grand Bulldogs where we are dedicated to the health, confirmation, and betterment of the English Bulldog breed STANDARD. Our dogs are first and foremost, our loving companions. When looking for a pet there are a few things to consider. Please, take the time to consider what you are looking for and tell us a little about yourselves.
The puppy portion of our website is updated often, so that you can view the growth and development of our pups. Those individuals that purchase a puppy from us will also receive additional photos and progress reports. When visiting our puppy page and if there is a pup you and your family would like to reserve , you could do so with a small deposit (enquire via email). We do not accept personal checks for a final payment but will for deposits. Feel free if you have and questions to give us a call. CALL 248-935-3620 OR EMAIL kenacygrandbulldogs@gmail.com FOR AVAILABILITY